Friday, July 25, 2008

Long, Stupid Political Post

I am frustrated on an almost daily basis by people who are STRIDENTLY for or against a particular candidate, but can’t articulate their position beyond the most basic, hackneyed rhetoric.

“He’s too old.”

“He’s not experienced enough.”

“He’s not Hillary.” (used by former Clinton backers and opponents, as well)

“I hate that woman!” (yet I can never get a good reason why).

Combine that with people’s obsessive need to chime in and add their two-cents worth (honestly, about all it IS worth) and you find yourself in the “comments” section so courteously provided by the major news outlets on their websites.

Now, before I go any further, may I just say that I like my news the old-fashioned way. Balanced, informed and lacking sensationalism. If I want sensational, I’ll watch a telenovela. Growing up, I was in awe of newspapers. I thought it was so cool that you had at least one source that didn’t show bias, but rather helped you understand both sides of the story. Of course, even then there was slant. I was just to naïve to see.

But as I’ve said many times in this forum, we’ve lost our ability to have debate. Now it’s just an argument, fomented by network talking heads. Raising the volume of the debate has taken the place of raising the quality of the debate.

So today, CNN posts the results of another poll that shows McCain narrowing the gap with Obama in some key states. The article is innocuous enough. But when you click on the comments, the fun begins. And the whackjobs come crawling out of their cyber hiding places.

Here for your reading pleasure, a few of those comments. As I read through, I’m reminded of one of my favorite lyrics, from an old Tears for Fears song, Mr. Pessimist. “Evangelistic brother, should be banging a tambourine. Go wash your hands and fingers, ‘til your mind is clean.”

Sic all. This is also an indictment of our education system. Is it really possible to have an informed opinion when you don’t know how to spell?

“Go McCain! Anyone but Obama! He's not qualified! Was for Hillary, now for McCain!” –Marie in California

“its ok Mcwar will lose anyways because people dont like him only racist people will vote for this loser”—aaa

“Isn't that what the media has been working on in the last few weeks. They got their wish. Hurah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” –Chris from NY

“I have been saying with all the hype of OBAMA look at the polls McCain now is winning or ahead in the battleground states. OBAMA is going down, and about the polls that hispanic is for OBAMA don't think so they were in CA. What about the Hispanic people in States like NM, AZ, NV, and the rest of the Nation were Hispanic were not conducted polls. Just wait and see in Oct-Nov went Latinos will open their eyes and ears and go with McCain!!!! All that hype in Berlin, Iraq, Israel and Obama has no Bounce!!! Obama is going down!!!!!!!!!!
Latinos for McCain!!!” –Latinos fro McCain

“no Obama
no Obama
no Obama
no Obama
no Obama
no Obama
no Obama
no Obama
no Obama
no Obama
no Obama
no Obama
no Obama
no Obama
no Obama
no Obama” –no obama

“HELLO PEOPLE….John McCain has some 59 LOBBYIST working in his campaign!!!!! MY GOD why does America have to shoot it's self in the foot before we realize we can bleed? Charlie Black, Phil Gramm, are Mccains Dick Chaney… this man Gaffes all over the place, i cant even get into his flip flopping, his campaign has been a shamble- how a person runs a campaign shows how s/he will run the country…BOMB BOMB BOMB Iran, THIS MAN GRADUATED 894 OUT OF 899….For God sakes people we can not AFFORD John McCain. we already see oil spills, we already have people killing them selves because they are loosing their homes…McCain WILL make things worse than Bush has. Woman if you want your rights, you need to pay attention top Mccain's record. Vets, ask your selves would you fight for this man who refuses to to release his own Military record? Seniors can you vote for a man who will destroy SS? AMERICA CAN NOT AFFORD MCCAIN!!!!!!!!!” –McArsenic

“In Colorado I can understand.
After it was divulged that Obama and the DNC ground crew has been using publicly financed motor pools for their gas (against the law) for workers on the ground since March 2008–I don't suppose many Coloradans respect the integrity of the Democratic Party.
Any citizens knows you don't use public (taxpayor) resources for personal or political purposes.”—Praetorian, Fort Myers

“This is great news. Obama should remember he needs to convince people here in America to vote for him, not foreigners. The arrogance of this man. He goes on a world tour as if he's already President. Sorry, buddy, I'm not ready to hand over my country to the likes of you.”
PUMA for McCain” –Marc in Virginia

For those of you who don’t know what PUMA means (I didn’t, I had to look it up), it’s a political action committee started by a Clinton supporter. The name is an acronym for People United Means Action. Most people who have adopted the moniker believe it REALLY stands for Party Unity My Ass. In other words, “I’m going to vote for the other guy, just to spite you.”

Yep. Our political system is now in the hands of the kindergarteners.

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